Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mathemagic: Linear programming- conversion of L.P.P. into its dual

Linear programming

Conversion of primal into its dual

Duality is an extremely important feature of linear programming. The various useful aspects of this property are:

1.       If the primal problem contains a large number of rows(constraints) and a smaller number of columns(variables), then the computational procedure can be reduced by converting it into dual and then solving it.

2.       Calculation of dual checks the accuracy of the primal solution.

3.       Duality in linear programming shows that each linear programme is equivalent to a two-person zero-sum game. This indicates a close relationship between linear programming and theory of games.

There are following points to remember while converting into dual.

1.       If the primal contains n variables and m constraints, the dual will contain m variables and n constraints.

2.       The maximization problem in the primal becomes the minimization problem in the dual and vice versa.

3.        The maximization problem has () constraints while the minimization problem has () constraints.

4.       The constants c1, c2, …, cn in the objective function of the primal appear in the constraints of the dual.

5.       The constants b1, b2, …, bm in the constraints of the primal appear in the objective function of the dual.

6.       The variables in both problems are non-negative.

Conversion of primal to its dual:

1.       When primal is in canonical form:

                The general L.P.P.(linear programming problem) or primal in canonical form is:

  Maximize z = c1x1+c2x2+…+cnxn

Subject to   a11x1+a12x2+…+a1nxn ≤ b1





where,   x1, x2, ...,xn, all ≥ 0.

Now its dual is:

Minimize w = b1y1+b2y2+…+bmym

Subject to   a11y1+a21y2+…+am1ym ≤ c1

                    a12y1+a22y2+…+am2ym ≤ c2



       a1ny1+a2ny2+…+amnym ≤ cn

where,  the dual variables y1, y2, …, ym, all ≥ 0.

Example: construct the dual of the problem,

                Maximize Z=3x1+17x2+9x3

                Subject to x1-x2+x3≥3

                                    -3x1+2x3 ≤1,

                                x1, x2, x3, all ≥ 0


firstly we need to convert first constraint into (≤) ,multiplying the inequality by (-1),                 because the objective function is maximize.

i.e., -x1+x2-x3≤-3

now the dual of this problem is:

                minimize   W=-3y1+y2

                subject to   –y1-3y2 ≥ 3

                                        y1 ≥ 17

                                       -y1+2y2 ≥ 9

                                        y1, y2, both ≥ 0.

2.       When primal is in standard form:

Consider the L.P.P. or primal,

Maximize    z = c1x1+c2x2

Subject to    a11x1+a12x2 = b1                          ,,equality showing standard form.

       a21x1+a22x2 ≤ b2

       x1≥0, x2≥0.

             Here the first constraint can be expressed in canonical form like,

                a11x1+a12x2 b1        ,    a11x1+a12x2    b1                     

or,             a11x1+a12x2 b1          ,      -a11x1-a12x2     -b1      

Now its dual is:

                                Minimize w = b1(y1-y1’’) +b2y2

                                                 Subject to a11(y1-y1’’) + a21y2   ≥ c1

                                                    a12(y1-y1’’) + a22y2  ≥ c2

                                                                            The dual variables,  y1, y1’’, y2, all  ≥ 0

Or, substituting (y1-y1’’) = y1, where y1 is unrestricted in sign.

We get,

                                Minimize w = b1y1 +b2y2

                                                 Subject to a11y1 + a21y2   ≥ c1

                                                    a12y1 + a22y2  ≥ c2

                                                                           so the dual variables,  y1 is unrestricted in sign and y2 ≥ 0.


Example: construct the dual of the problem,

                                Maximize Z = 3x1+10x2+2x3

                                                 Subject to 2x1+3x2+2x3 ≤ 7


                                              3x1-2x2+4x3 = 3

                                                   x1, x2, x3, all  ≥ 0

solution: since the problem is of maximization , so all constraint should be (≤).

                                Second constraint can be expressed as a pair of inequalities like,


     3x1-2x2+4x3 ≤ 3   ,   3x1-2x2+4x3 ≥ 3  

Or, 3x1-2x2+4x3 ≤ 3   ,  -3x1+2x2-4x3 -3  

Now the dual of the problem is:

             Minimize W = 7y1 +3(y2-y2’’)

             Subject to  2y1+3(y2-y2’’) ≥ 3

                                   3y1-2(y2-y2’’) ≥ 10

                                   2y1+4(y2-y2’’) ≥ 2

                                y1, y2, y2’’, all ≥ 0

now substituting (y2-y2’’) = y2, where y2 is unrestricted in sign.

We get,

             Minimize W = 7y1 +3y2

             Subject to  2y1+3y2 ≥ 3

                                   3y1-2y2 ≥ 10

                                   2y1+4y2 ≥ 2

                                y1 ≥ 0 and y2 is unrestricted in sign.

Some points to remember:

1.       The dual of the dual is the primal.

2.       If either the primal or dual problem has an unbounded solution, then the solution to the other problem is infeasible.

3.       If both the primal and the dual have feasible solutions, then both have optimal solutions.

And max Z = min W.

4.       The value of the objective function is same for primal and dual solutions, but of opposite signs.

1 comment:

  1. Have a little question: In the beginning of your post you mentioned that: "The maximization problem has (≤) constraints while the minimization problem has (≥) constraints." If so, why do you have in the dual of case 1 (dual's target is minimization there) a ≤ instead of ≥. Thanks.
